Nancy Marleine Snow

Snow, circa 1980

  • Missing Since 11/06/1980
  • Missing From Annapolis, Maryland
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 07/13/1936 (88)
  • Age 44 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 120 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A bracelet and a white stone Fega (a Brazilian good luck charm shaped like a wrist with a hand in a fist and the thumb between the first and second knuckles) with a gold band on a long gold chain.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Turquoise Volkswagen convertible (accounted for), White van, Yacht
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Graying dark brown hair, blue eyes. Snow broke her leg in several places in a skiing accident a few years before her disappearance. She has had a hysterectomy. Snow is double-jointed in both elbows and her second and third toes on both feet are deformed. She has extensive silver and white fillings in her teeth, including silver fillings in almost all her molars except her lower right third one. She has a gap between her front teeth.

Details of Disappearance

Snow had flown from St. Louis, Missouri to Baltimore, Maryland in November 1980; she had been temporarily sent there by her employers at the Republican National Committee during the Reagan/Bush presidential election campaign. Snow was a fundraiser for a congressional campaign. On the evening of November 5, 1980, she flew to Baltimore to attend a private party.

Snow reportedly spent the night in a hotel in Baltimore after the party was over, and had breakfast with the man whose party it was. She had dated him during the campaign. Her companion stated that she waited with him until her temporary housesitter picked her up; no witnesses could identify the car, but it apparently was not Snow's turquoise Volkswagen convertible.

Snow's companion stated that she told him she planned to drive to Connecticut, but her relatives stated that this made little sense, since she told them she planned to return to her home in Annapolis. Her relatives never heard from her again.

Snow's housesitter, Paul T. Collins III, later stated that he drove Snow to her Annapolis home and she went out to McGarvey's, a local bar, for a drink. When she returned, she said she met a boat captain named "Captain Jay" (possibly spelled "Captain J") who told her he was driving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida that night to pick up a yacht and then deliver it to either the Bahamas or U.S. Virgin Islands.

Snow reportedly told Collins that Captain Jay had hired her to help crew the boat and she would be back by Christmas. She told also Collins to use her checkbook to pay bills while she was gone. He claims he saw her get into a white van and leave, but he could not remember the boat's name, any contact information, or what Captain Jay looked like.

Snow's loved ones found Collins's story very suspicious; they stated that she was a devoted mother and a responsible individual who would be unlikely to leave with a stranger without telling her family where she was going, or to leave her checkbook in the care of a person she did not know.

She also left behind the majority of her personal belongings, including her boat shoes, makeup and jewelry. Collins says she only packed one bag and took $1,000 in cash. Snow had repeatedly told her three daughters that she was exhausted from campaigning and looking forward to a rest, so they find it difficult to believe that she would have abruptly gone to Florida.

She had kept in touch with them by mail almost daily while she away, but none of them have heard from her since November 1980. She missed one daughter's sixteenth birthday that month as well. Snow's oldest daughter reported her as a missing person in January 1981.

Collins wrote checks to himself and for bills using Snow's checkbook, forging her signature, for six months after her disappearance. The total amount was about $10,000. He drove Snow's Volkswagen, though he told her family he had put it in storage. He also gave away her private papers and belongings.

After being questioned by the Annapolis police about Snow's disappearance in October 1981, Collins fled to the Bahamas after reportedly stealing $200 in cash, a set of chimney-sweeping equipment, and some magnetic signs from his employer. Warrants were issued for his arrest in connection with the thefts.

Snow's disappearance remains unsolved. There has been no activity on her Social Security number since her disappearance and she never used her credit cards or withdrew anything from her bank account, although she had inherited a sum of money shortly before her disappearance. She formerly worked as a talk show host in California.

Snow speaks seven languages, formerly lived in Brazil and West Germany, and has traveled extensively all over the world. She was declared legally dead in 1985. Foul play is suspected in her case.

Investigating Agency

  • Anne Arundel County State's Attorney's Office 410-222-1740

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated January 9, 2008; details of disappearance updated.