Pamela Bealer

Pamela, circa 2018

  • Missing Since 09/12/2018
  • Missing From Pelican Bay, Alaska
  • Classification Lost/Injured Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/07/1960 (64)
  • Age 58 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 120 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Pamela suffers from multiple sclerosis.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Graying blonde hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Pamela Bealer disappeared with her husband, Eric. On September 12, 2018, they went to their summer cabin at Green Top, which is on the outer coast of Yakobi Island near Pelican Bay, Alaska. They were expected back by the end of September, but neither of them returned and they were never heard from again.

In October, two concerned friends went to the Bealers' cabin and found it deserted. They was a note taped to the window on the front door, reading,

To the world and all concerned: This is to officially notify you that Eric and Pam Bealer, by their own choice and free will, have committed suicide. We have gone to some effort to hide our bodies, as we do not want them found. Please do not waste time and money looking. It would serve no purpose. We are gone, leave us to our peace. (And yes, we have taken the dog with us…) (Oh, and we set the chickens free!)

The Bealers had left boxes behind, as well as letters they asked to have mailed to people close to them. They left handwritten wills, specifying that their artwork should go to the owner of a gallery in Sitka, Alaska, and the rest of their property to a wilderness fund run by the Sitka Conservation Society.

Many of the Bealers' friends were not surprised by what happened, as Pamela and Eric had spoken before about plans to take their lives when her multiple sclerosis became unmanageable.

Eric and Pamela were described as self-reliant naturalists, and Eric was renowned for his wood engravings depicting wilderness scenes. A search of the area around the cabin turned up no sign of either of them, but they are presumed deceased. In June 2019, both of them were declared legally dead.

Investigating Agency

  • Alaska State Troopers 907-269-5511

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 20, 2019; casefile added.