Rachael Leigh Anderson

Anderson, circa 2010; Charles Capone; David Stone

  • Missing Since 04/16/2010
  • Missing From Moscow, Idaho
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/11/1969 (55)
  • Age 40 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4, 120 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A ring on her right ring finger with set with two opals and a space for a third one.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Borrowed white 1997 GMC Yukon with the license plate number 1l 93131 (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Black hair, brown eyes. Anderson has pierced ears.

Details of Disappearance

Anderson was last seen in Moscow, Idaho on April 16, 2010. She has never been heard from again. She was last seen on a Friday, and Anderson's two daughters reported her missing on Monday after she didn't show up for her job at a pathology lab. On April 21, her borrowed car, a white 1997 GMC Yukon with the license plate number 1l 93131, was found at a Dynamart station in Lewiston, Idaho, near the Greyhound bus station. Her cellular phone and purse were inside the vehicle.

Prior to her disappearance, Anderson had filed multiple complaints with the police about being harassed and stalked by her an unknown individual. This person had broken her car's back windshield, had slashed her tires, watched her house and sent her disturbing text messages and telephone calls.

Anderson was afraid for her life. The incidents began about three months before her disappearance, and she believed her estranged husband, Charles A. Capone, might be responsible. She talked to the police about the stalking on the day of her disappearance and they advised her to avoid Capone because he might become violent.

Capone was arrested on a weapons charge in May 2010. He has a long criminal history dating back to 1985 and a history of violent behavior towards women. As a convicted felon, he is prohibited from having guns. Anderson's daughter stated Capone was an abusive, controlling husband and that Anderson had filed filed harassment charges against him. In December 2009, Capone allegedly choked Anderson and was charged with second-degree assault.

The couple was married for only three months before Anderson filed for divorce in January 2010. After Capone's arrest, he was named as a person of interest in his wife's disappearance. He later pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm and served 33 months in prison.

Capone and a friend, David Stone, were charged with Anderson's murder in April 2013. Photographs of Stone and Capone posted with this case summary. Authorities believe Capone killed his wife, Stone helped him do it, and they disposed of the body together.

Cadaver dogs indicated the scent of human remains in the back of the GMC Yukon which Anderson had borrowed to drive while Capone repaired her own vehicle. Blood from both Anderson and Capone was found on the tip of a black latex glove in the Yukon.

In addition, in 2010, an individual came forward and said Capone had offered him $10,000 to kill Anderson. The person said Capone and Stone had a plan to kill both their wives; Stone's wife had a large insurance policy on her life. While in jail after his weapons arrest in May 2010, Capone allegedly told cellmates he had poisoned Anderson by putting prescription sleeping pills in her beer, and then buried the body.

In December 2013, Stone pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of failure to notify law enforcement about a death and agreed to testify against Capone at his upcoming murder trial. In exchange he will serve a seven-year sentence in prison. Capone was found guilty of first-degree murder in September 2014, and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Anderson lived in the 2200 block of Main in Clarkston, Washington at the time of her disappearance, and some agencies stated she went missing from there. Clarkston police are investigating her case. Foul play is suspected due to the circumstances involved.

Updated 5 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 21, 2018; picture added.