Ramiro Martinez

Martinez, circa 2012

  • Missing Since 07/13/2012
  • Missing From Laredo, Texas
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 07/22/1977 (47)
  • Age 34 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'8, 240 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A navy blue button-down Sames shirt and navy blue pants.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) 1997 Ford Explorer
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic male. Black hair, brown eyes. Martinez has a scar on his forehead, a scar on his forearm, and a tattoo of a skull on his right shoulder. One of his front teeth has a filling.

Details of Disappearance

Martinez was last seen on July 13, 2012. He lived in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico at the time of his disappearance, and worked at a local car dealership. He was last seen crossing the Juarez Lincoln Bridge from Laredo, Texas into Nuevo Laredo at 2:00 a.m., driving his 1997 Ford Explorer. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency

  • Texas Department of Public Safety 800-346-3243

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated March 16, 2018; casefile added.