Rebecca Jane Alsup

Alsup, circa 2017; Craig Wood

  • Missing Since 02/15/2017
  • Missing From Williamsville, Missouri
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/29/1982 (42)
  • Age 34 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'7, 95 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Alsup has a heart condition. She has had multiple heart operations, wears a pacemaker and needs daily medication to survive.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Both of Alsup's legs have been amputated; her listed height and weight are post-amputation. She uses both a wheelchair and prosthetic legs for mobility. Her ears are pierced. Alsup's nickname is Becky, and some agencies refer to her as Rebecca Alsup-Wood.

Details of Disappearance

Alsup was last seen in Williamsville, Missouri on February 17, 2017. A friend came to visit her at her home at 1:00 p.m. that day, to check on her. She lived with her husband, Craig Allen Wood, in a camping trailer on Wood's parents' property.

Alsup was "freaking out" and shaking and said her husband, Craig Allen Wood, had stolen money from her and cut up the SIM card on her cellular phone. She showed her friend the destroyed SIM card as well as some bruises on her left cheek and arm, and stated Wood had pulled her off the bed by her hair. She borrowed her friend's phone, called someone, and told that person Wood had stolen money from her and she was really scared.

Later on the evening of February 17, a man came over to the home and saw Alsup and Wood there. He came back the next day and Alsup was gone, but he noticed her walker in the burn barrel, still burning. Alsup has never been heard from again.

According to numerous witnesses, Wood and Alsup's relationship is described as stormy. On an unspecified date around the time of her disappearance, Alsup spoke to one witness on the phone and said Wood had been caught with drugs and wanted Alsup to become an informant, and that he had threatened to kill her if she didn't do so. She asked the witness to come and get her, but by the time the witness arrived at Alsup's home, he couldn't find her.

The witness stated he had heard his own son, who had been around Alsup when she went missing, was forced by Wood to help dispose of her body. When police interviewed the witness's son, he said different individuals, whom he refused to identify, had used his car and when they returned it, there was blood and hair inside it. Shortly afterwards, he cleaned and sold the car. When police located the person who bought the car, the buyer said it was "extremely clean" at the time of purchase. The buyer used the car for awhile, but sold it to a scrapyard after it stopped working, and the scrapyard crushed it.

Another witness stated that in 2016, Wood offered him three cars, a motorcycle and half of Alsup's life insurance policy if he would shoot her. Wood asked the witness what would happen if "bong" water from a methamphetamine pipe was injected into Alsup's legs, and the witness replied that he thought this would eventually cause her death.

He saw Wood with some bottles filled with bong water, and not long after this conversation took place, Alsup was admitted to the hospital and both of her legs were amputated. While she was in the hospital Wood attempted to have her removed from life support. The hospital refused to comply, as they knew this was against Alsup's wishes, and Wood could not prove at the time that he was her legal husband.

After the amputation of Alsup's legs, Wood told the witness that he had gotten Alsup high on drugs and injected her with bong water, but "it didn't kill the bitch." He told the witness there were many places he could hide Alsup's body where it would never be found. Another witness, who had shared a jail cell with Wood, said he saw him sitting on his bunk one night, crying about how he shouldn't have killed "Becky."

In July 2019, Wood was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree assault in Alsup's case. The assault charge was for the 2016 bong water injection. According to court documents, police believe Wood killed Alsup by striking her in the head with an ashtray. In September 2019, the charges were dismissed at the request of the prosecution. The prosecution stated they didn't have enough evidence but planned to refile charges at a later date.

Foul play is suspected in Alsup's disappearance due to the circumstances involved. Her body has never been found.

Updated 4 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 30, 2020; details of disappearance updated.