Rene Alberto Romero


Rene, circa 1994

  • Missing Since 11/28/1994
  • Missing From Reno, Nevada
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Hispanic
  • Age 4 years old
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic male.

Details of Disappearance

ReneĀ disappeared from Reno, Nevada on November 28, 1994. He wasn't reported missing for some time, however, because his mother and her boyfriend, Ana Isabel Romero and Alvaro Mejia Ortiz, moved immediately afterward and tried to conceal his disappearance.

In 1998, his mother and her boyfriend were both charged with the child's murder. Ana pleaded guilty and testified against Ortiz, who was convicted. She has since been released from prison; Ortiz is still incarcerated. Rene's body was recovered in Utah in 1996, but it wasn't identified until February 2014.

Investigating Agency

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