Richard Stanley Meyer
Meyer, circa 1989
- Missing Since 07/29/1989
- Missing From Nederland, Colorado
- Classification Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Date of Birth 01/03/1950 (75)
- Age 39 years old
- Height and Weight 5'10, 180 - 250 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Dark brown hair, blue eyes. Meyer's nickname is Dick. He has a mustache, he wears eyeglasses, and his shoe size is 11E. He has a large scar on his abdomen and a strawberry birthmark on the back of his neck.
Details of Disappearance
Meyer was last seen was last seen in Nederland, Colorado on July 29, 1989. He was working as a volunteer camp host for the Forest Service. On the day of his disappearance, he went to Nederland to church and had lunch with a friend, and was last seen en route back to Columbine Campground near Central City, Colorado at the time. He has never been heard from again.
Meyer was driving a red 1978 Dodge Monaco with the expired Florida license plate number FDL-30J; his vehicle has never been located. He was a minister and an electrician at the time of his disappearance. Few details are available in his case.
Investigating Agency
- Colorado Bureau of Investigation 303-239-4211
Source Information
Updated 6 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated June 1, 2019; details of disappearance updated.