Robert James Bowling

Age-progression to age 23 (circa 2008) (Photographs of Robert are unavailable)

  • Missing Since 08/11/1985
  • Missing From Parker, Colorado
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/09/1985 (39)
  • Age 3 months old
  • Height and Weight 1'6, 12 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Robert was last seen in Parker, Colorado on August 11, 1985. His mother, Laura Bowling, left with him and his eighteen-month-old sister, Ashley Anne Bowling, and her boyfriend, John David Hinton. By the time they resurfaced in Louisiana, Robert was missing. Laura gave Ashley to a Louisiana couple to raise. She claimed the couple paid her $10,000, but they later denied this.

Laura eventually returned to Colorado without either of her children. She and Hinton both said Robert had died, but they had conflicting explanations as to how; Hinton said he died of pneumonia, and Laura said Hinton had shaken him to death. Because there was no evidence to prove either story, both Robert and Ashley were listed as missing children.

Ashley was located in 1996, still living with the Louisiana family who had adopted her. Her biological father came there to meet her. There was no sign of Robert, however; the circumstances of his disappearance are unclear.

Investigating Agency

  • Douglas County Sheriff's Office 303-660-7500

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated October 20, 2011; details of disappearance updated.