Scott D. Rice
Rice, circa 2008
Missing Since
Missing From
Otis, Oregon
Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race
- Age 28 years old
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male.
Details of Disappearance
RiceĀ disappeared from Otis, Oregon on September 11, 2008. In June 2011, his skeletal remains were found by an elk hunter in the woods only about a hundred yards from his home. A .22 caliber rifle was also located. Authorities ruled his death a suicide by gunshot.
Investigating Agency
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Source Information
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Rice, circa 2008
- Missing Since 09/11/2008
- Missing From Otis, Oregon
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Age 28 years old
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male.
Details of Disappearance
RiceĀ disappeared from Otis, Oregon on September 11, 2008. In June 2011, his skeletal remains were found by an elk hunter in the woods only about a hundred yards from his home. A .22 caliber rifle was also located. Authorities ruled his death a suicide by gunshot.
Investigating Agency
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Source Information
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