Sheila Kathleen Goble
Goble, circa 2010
Missing Since
Missing From
Charleston, West Virginia
Endangered Missing
- Sex Female
- Race
- Age 62 years old
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female.
Details of Disappearance
GobleĀ disappeared from Charleston, West Virginia on April 24, 2010. In April 2012, her body was found buried in the backyard of Charles Eugene March, one of her co-workers. He confessed to strangling her and has been charged with first-degree murder.
Investigating Agency
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Source Information
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Goble, circa 2010
- Missing Since 04/24/2010
- Missing From Charleston, West Virginia
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Female
- Race White
- Age 62 years old
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female.
Details of Disappearance
GobleĀ disappeared from Charleston, West Virginia on April 24, 2010. In April 2012, her body was found buried in the backyard of Charles Eugene March, one of her co-workers. He confessed to strangling her and has been charged with first-degree murder.
Investigating Agency
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Source Information
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