Stephanie Ray Clemons

Clemons, circa 2018; Jack Freeman

  • Missing Since 05/20/2018
  • Missing From Miramar, Florida
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 05/28/1963 (61)
  • Age 54 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4, 130 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Red 2018 Volkswagen Jetta (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American female. Black hair, brown eyes. Clemons has a scar or birthmark on the right side of her nose. Her ears are pierced.

Details of Disappearance

Clemons was last seen outside her residence in Miramar, Florida on May 2o, 2018. She was on her way to work at Jackson Memorial Medical Center, where she was a phlebotomist, but never arrived there and has never been heard from again.

Her car keys, house keys and cellular phone disappeared with her. She left her red 2018 Volkswagen Jetta behind her home with her wallet inside; it contained credit cards and $300 in cash. She also left her driver's license and passport behind.

When police checked Clemons's home in the 7200 block of Venetian Street, they found food in a pot on the stove, and a fan and television set on in the bedroom. They didn't find any blood or evidence of foul play. It's uncharacteristic of her to miss work; she had a near-perfect attendance record.

Clemons had been in a relationship with Jack Freeman Jr., and he was the father of one of her four children. A photo of Freeman is posted with this case summary. Authorities learned they had married in 2016, something Clemons's relatives and loved ones were unaware of.

He had been seeing another woman for about ten years, something he says Clemons knew about, and he said he'd moved in to his girlfriend's apartment in the 2400 block of Sherman Circle north in late April. He failed a polygraph about Clemons's case, showing deception on all of his answers.

Police stated there were 22 separate reports of domestic violence by Freeman against Clemons and other women but he wasn't charged in any of the cases. He was arrested five times on domestic violence charges between 2000 and 2017, but each time the case was dropped. He was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon in 2007, but that charge was also dropped.

Freeman initially stated he hadn't had contact with Clemons for about a month prior to her disappearance, then changed his story and it had actually been more than two months since he'd seen her. In fact, they'd been in touch, at least by text, up until her disappearance.

Text messages between Clemons and Freeman indicate the two of them were fighting just prior to her disappearance. Cellular phone records indicate the couple's phones were together at around dawn on May 22, two days after she was last seen. The phones were tracked first to Clemons's home, and then to Freeman's girlfriend's apartment. On May 24, the phones pinged again at Clemons's address.

Authorities are investigating Clemons's case as a homicide, and Freeman is considered a person of interest in her case. Her disappearance remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Miramar Police Department 954-602-4000

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated June 3, 2019; casefile added.