Tammy Ann Hill

Hill, circa 1995

  • Missing Since 05/01/1995
  • Missing From Holland, Ohio
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 03/02/1971 (54)
  • Age 24 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'10 - 5'0, 90 - 100 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A sundress and no shoes or socks.
  • Medical Conditions Hill was suffering from untreated cervical cancer at the time of her disappearance. She was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol and was generally in poor health in 1995.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Hill may use the last names Fafard and/or Hill-Herman. She has a tattoo of a flamingo and a tattoo of a rose.

Details of Disappearance

Hill was last seen in Holland, Ohio sometime in May 1995. She and her husband, Sullivan Fafard, got into a fight about her drug use and she left the house without her belongings, not even her purse or her shoes. She has never been heard from again. Her mother reported her missing on July 18, 1995.

Hill and Fafard lived in the 900 block of Crissey Road in 1995. They were both unemployed at the time of Hill's disappearance, Hill didn't have a driver's license and their home had no telephone, which was part of the reason her disappearance went unnoticed for so long.

She had previously left home for two or three weeks at a time, but she's never been gone for this long. She did keep in touch with her mother and regularly visited her four sons, all of whom were in foster care.

According to her loved ones, Hill dropped out of high school in her sophomore year and became involved with crack cocaine. During her final pregnancy, doctors discovered she was developing cervical cancer and told her to seek treatment as soon as her son was born, but she never followed through after the birth in December 1994.

She and her husband sometimes had violent arguments, with injuries on both sides, and the police had been called to their residence several times as a result.

Foul play is suspected in Hill's case, which remains unsolved. Authorities believe she was the victim of a homicide.

Investigating Agency

  • Lucas County Sheriff's Office 419-213-4970

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 15, 2012; last name and date of disappearance corrected, middle name and date of birth added, distinguishing characteristics updated.