Tony Sysavanh

Sysavanh, circa 2017

  • Missing Since 05/16/2017
  • Missing From Trinity County, California
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Asian
  • Date of Birth 05/30/1985 (39)
  • Age 31 years old
  • Height and Weight 6'0, 185 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Rented silver 2015 Jeep Cherokee with the California license plate numberĀ 7UGP903
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Asian male. Black hair, black eyes. Sysavanh is of Laotian descent. He has the following tattoos: a teardrop and five dots at the corner of his right eye, the Anaheim Angels logo at the corner of his left eye, script along his hairline at the front, the word "Laos" on the back of his head, script on his chest, and tattooed sleeves on both arms.

Details of Disappearance

Sysavanh was last seen on May 16, 2017. He disappeared with three other men: Dan Nguyen, Johnson Nguyen and Anesi Sauta. Dan and Johnson are not related. Dan is Sauta's brother-in-law, and Johnson and Sysavanh were mutual friends. They left Orange County in southern California on May 15, driving a rented silver 2015 Jeep Cherokee with the California license plate numberĀ 7UGP903.

They were en route to northern California, but the reason for the trip is unclear; they were going to pick something up from a friend, look for agricultural work or look at a property to purchase.

Sauta called his wife on May 16 and said they'd arrived at their destination. According to phone records and witness statements, they were in the Barry Creek area at the time. The men's cellular phones were used in the Stockton, California area on May 18 and May 19. Their last known location was in Trinity County, California, and that county's police are investigating their cases.

The missing men's vehicle has not been recovered. Foul play is suspected in their cases, which remain unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Trinity County Sheriff's Department 530-623-2611

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 23, 2018; casefile added.