Valerie Ingorvaia

Ingorvaia, circa 2019; Some of Ingoravia's tattoos; Chance Stelzig

  • Missing Since 11/28/2019
  • Missing From Fort Worth, Texas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 02/14/1981 (44)
  • Age 38 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 165 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A red tank top, gray sweatpants and blue jeans.
  • Medical Conditions Ingorvaia suffers from seizures and needs medication to control her condition.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Black four-door truck
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Ingorvaia has multiple tattoos covering much of her body, including a red diamond on the back of her left shoulder, a masked face on her upper left arm at the shoulder, a rose on her left shoulder, the words "MISS INDEPENDENT QUEEN" across her upper chest and collarbone, Asian characters in the center of her chest, Asian characters on both sides of her chest, the phrase "I love Chubby Bunny" on the left side of her chest, the phrase "I'm Your Ride or Die" on the right side of her chest, a design of floewrs and a dragonfly on her right upper arm at the shoulder, the words "'til death" in black script on her ring finger, tattoos on both sides of her upper back, and a tattoo on her lower back. Photos of some of her tattoos are posted with this case summary. Her ears, nose, upper lip and eyebrow are all pierced. Ingorvaia may use the last name Perez. She wears eyeglasses.

Details of Disappearance

Ingorvaia was last seen in Fort Worth, Texas on November 28, 2019. She had attended her family's Thanksgiving meal and was heading back to her own home in San Antonio, Texas, in a black four-door truck. The Google Maps app on her phone indicates she was on Highway 173, between Hondo and Castroville, at 10:22 a.m. on November 29 when she stopped and turned her location tracker off, which is uncharacteristic of her behavior. She has never been heard from again.

Ingorvaia was last known to have been with a man named Chance Stelzig. A photo of Stelzig is posted with this case summary. In March 2020, he was charged with murder; he and two other suspects allegedly beat a man to death with a baseball bat on November 17, 2019, less than two weeks prior to Ingorvaia's disappearance. The murder, which took place in San Antonio, may have been a robbery gone wrong.

It's not clear whether Ingorvaia's disappearance is related to the previous murder, but her mother and sister stated that prior to Ingorvaia's disappearance, they did not know Stelzig or that he was with her in Fort Worth. He is considered a person of interest in Ingorvaia's case, but hasn't officially been named a suspect.

Both Fort Worth and San Antonio police are investigating Ingorvaia's disappearance. She left behind five children. Her case remains unsolved and foul play has not been ruled out.

Investigating Agency

  • Fort Worth Police Department 817-392-4222
  • San Antonio Police Department 210-207-7660

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated January 24, 2021; casefile added.