Vivian Aileen Trout

Vivian, circa 1997; Age-progression to age 28 (circa 2022); Marina Trout

  • Missing Since 04/06/1997
  • Missing From Miami Beach, Florida
  • Classification Family Abduction
  • Sex Female
  • Race Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 07/23/1994 (30)
  • Age 2 years old
  • Height and Weight 2'9 - 2'11, 33 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Vivian has allergies. She has problems with air conditioning as the result.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic female. Blonde hair, brown eyes. Vivian has a birthmark on her left hip. She has large facial dimples which are visible when she smiles. Vivian's nickname is Mimi and she may use the aliases Mimi Lopez, Mimi Garcia, Margarita Ortega and/or Vivian Lopez Garcia. She speaks English and understands Spanish also. Her ears are pierced.

Details of Disappearance

Vivian was last seen in Miami Beach, Florida on April 6, 1997. She was abducted by her non-custodial mother, Marina Trout. A felony warrant for kidnapping and interference with custody was issued for her on April 15, 1997.

Photos of Marina are posted with this case summary. Her date of birth is June 28, 1953, making her 43 years old at the time of Vivian's abduction. She's described as Hispanic, 5'1 and 150 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. She may use the aliases Juana Marina Lopez, Juana Marina Lopez Trout, Marina Vargas, Marina Savon, Marina Savin and/or Marina Lopez. She has a glass right eye. Marina speaks fluent English with a heavy Spanish accent.

Marina was supposed to have supervised visitation with Vivian, as she had abducted the child once before. On the day of her disappearance, they had a scheduled supervised visit in the 1000 block of Lenox Avenue, at an apartment Marina shared with her mother, Bertila Vargas. The visit started at noon and Marina was supposed to return Vivian to her father, John, at 5:00 p.m.

Only about about five minutes into the visit, the supervisor went into the bathroom. Marina locked her in and fled with Vivian. The supervisor pried open the bathroom window and called for help until someone summoned the police. When questioned, Vargas said she didn't know Marina and Vivian's whereabouts.

John has criticized the United States government for allegedly mishandling Vivian's case and losing her case file. He kept copies of the file in his residence and says they were stolen during a burglary. Nothing else was taken.

It is believed that Marina took Vivian out of the United States, possibly to Guadalajara, Mexico or to Spain, Costa Rica or South America. Marina also has contacts in Santa Ana, California and the states of New York and New Jersey.

Vivian is considered to be endangered, as Marina has an unspecified mental condition which may make her dangerous to her daughter's welfare. Texas authorities are assisting with the investigation.

Updated 9 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 28, 2022; picture added.