Keith Chau
Chau, circa 1995
- Missing Since 01/06/1995
- Missing From Los Angeles, California
- Classification Missing
- Sex Male
- Race Asian
- Date of Birth 01/01/1969 (56)
- Age 26 years old
- Height and Weight 5'9, 145 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics Asian male. Black hair, brown eyes.
Details of Disappearance
Chau was last seen at a family function in Los Angeles, California's Chinatown district on January 6, 1995. He has never been heard from again. His wife, Ai Wei Kaung, accompanied him when he was last seen; she is also missing. The exact circumstances surrounding their cases are unclear.
Chau and Kaung may be living in Vietnam or in the Chinese city of Taishan. There is a history of domestic violence in the couple's relationship. Their cases are unsolved.
Investigating Agency
- Los Angeles Police Department 213-485-5381
Source Information
Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 3, 2023; picture added, details of disappearance updated.