Michael Ray Mayfield

Michael, circa 1985; Age-progression to age 40 (circa 2018)

  • Missing Since 01/10/1985
  • Missing From Houston, Texas
  • Classification Non-Family Abduction
  • Sex Male
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 06/06/1978 (46)
  • Age 6 years old
  • Height and Weight 3'0, 75 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes. Michael stuttered at the time of his disappearance. He has a burn scar on his right wrist. He may use the last name Gant; this is his father's surname, and Mayfield is his mother's maiden name.

Details of Disappearance

Michael and his younger sister, Pamela, were walking back to their family's residence from Betsy Ross Elementary School in the 2900 block of Bay Street at the Eastex Freeway in northeast Houston, Texas on January 10, 1985.

They were both kindergarten students at the school; Pamela was in kindergarten for the first time and Michael was repeating it, as the school authorities thought he had been too young when he started school. Witnesses saw the children get into a green vehicle with an unidentified man. They never arrived home and have never been heard from again.

In May 1985, four months after the children's disappearances, a man called the Houston police to say that Michael and Pamela had not been kidnapped and were living with their paternal grandmother on 75th Street in Los Angeles, California. The Mayfields do have relatives in Los Angeles, but none of them had the children or knew where they were. The caller has not been identified but his voice sounded as if he was an elderly African-American man.

Michael and Pamela lived with their maternal grandmother in the 3500 block of Des Chaumes Street in Houston at the time of their disappearances. Their grandmother had always been their primary caregiver, but they visited their mother and her boyfriend, and their father and his girlfriend, on a semi-regular basis. The Mayfield children's parents were separated, but not divorced, in January 1985.

Investigators could find no evidence that Michael and Pamela were abused by their relatives; they said the children were loved and well cared for. They initially believed a relative or family friend was behind their abductions, but a look into the backgrounds of everyone in the family turned up no suspects. Authorities think Pamela and Michael had previous contact with their abductor, since they knew not to get into a car with a stranger. Their cases are unsolved.

Updated 7 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 6, 2020; middle name and picture added, distinguishing characteristics and details of disappearance updated.