Keisha Lene Kootswatewa

Kootswatewa, circa 2022; Kootswatewa's tattoos

  • Missing Since 03/22/2022
  • Missing From Teesto, Arizona
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Native American
  • Date of Birth 01/31/1990 (35)
  • Age 32 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 200 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Native American female. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Kootswatewa is a registered member of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona. Her ears are pierced. She has the following tattoos: tribal designs on her left shoulder, a rose with designs on her left forearm, and the word "Tewa" on her right forearm. Photos of some of her tattoos are posted with this case summary.

Details of Disappearance

Kootswatewa was last seen with her boyfriend at a residence in Teesto, Arizona on March 22, 2022. She has never been heard from again. Few details are available in her case. Her family stated she had fallen in with "the wrong people" prior to her disappearance after her relationship with her daughters' father ended, and it was common for her family to go a couple of weeks without hearing from her.

Three days later, two Navajo men, Micheaux Begaii and Damien Niedo, also disappeared from Teesto. Kootswatewa's cousin talked to witnesses who said there had been a house party, Begaii and Niedo had been shot and killed, and Kootswatewa was taken alive at gunpoint. This information has not been confirmed, however, and none of them have been located.

Investigating Agency

  • Hopi Tribal Resource Enforcement Services 928-734-3000
  • Navajo Nation Police Department, Dilkon District 928-657-8075

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated December 20, 2024; details of disappearance updated.