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Annette Rabino
Gerald Eugene Rabourn
Ann Mineko Racz
Otava Radek
John Wilbur Rademacher
Angela Mae Rader
Leonard Lawrence Rader Jr.
Richard Andrew Rader II
Mary Kay Radford
Charles Anthony Radice
Eric Lee Radley
Salvatore Rafala
Shelva Jean Rafte
Joe Everette Ragan
Sean Ragan
Elle Ragin
Cherice Maria Ragins
Kristie Darlene Ragland
Kathryn Marie Rahe
Mahfuza Rahman
Laureen Ann Rahn
Peggy C. Rahn
Rita R. Rahn
Roberta Jean Raines
Richard Dane Rainey
Willie Frank Rainey
Claude Vernon Rains II
Theresa Louise Rains
Jaliek L. Rainwalker
Danny K. Rall
Brandon Dante Raphelle Ralls
Jon Wolfe Ramage
Sondra Kay Ramber
Virginia Anne Rambus
Kemberly Lorin Ramer
Clinton Scott Ramey
Myra Gertrude Ramey
Mark Donald Ramin
Abraham Jonathan Ramirez
Angel William Ramirez
Armando Solis Ramirez
Christina Cherise Ramirez
Domingo Raul Ramirez
Farid Perez Ramirez
Guillermo Ramirez
Jesus Ramirez
Jesus Ramirez
Jose Alberto Ramirez
Jose Daniel Ramirez
Juan Manuel Ramirez
Karen Ramirez
Kassandra Briana Ramirez
Laura Leticia Ramirez
Orlando Ramirez
Raul Ramirez
Rocky Ramirez
Rodolfo Ramirez
Rodolfo C. Ramirez
Ruben Ramirez
Salvador Ramirez
Thomas Ramirez
Victor Hugo Ramirez
Victor Mora Saul Ramirez
Dreik Ramirez Jimenez
Sitlaly Francisca Ramirez Ramirez
Elvira Ramirez Tomas
Juan Antonio Ramirez Villanueva
Eduardo Ramirez-Llamas
Walter Anibal Ramirez-Mendez
Leticia Barrales Ramos
Emmanuel Benjamin Ramos-Perez
Norman Hugh Ramsay
Zachary Xerxes Ramsay
Angela Sigrid Ramsey
Lorie Ann Ramsey
Tracy Lynn Ramsey
John A. Randall
Travis Alfred Randall
Sedrick Devon Randle
Charles Lewis Randolph
Marjory W. Randolph
Samona Lashai Randolph
Geno Samuel Ranelli
Kevin Raney
Kathleen Laura Ranft
Michael Ryan Rangel
Rudolph David Rangel
Brian James Ranken
Ronald Bernard Rankin
Gary Wayne Ranone
Margie Ann Ranshaw
Benjamin Rapoza
Arthur Rascon
Jose Luis Rascon-Avila
Kamal Rasheed
Beau Rasmussen
Chelsea Anne Rasmussen
Robert Rasmussen
Patrick Joseph Ratchford
Oddom Dauy Rattana
Danny Wayne Ratton
Edward A. Ratynski Jr.
Presley Nicole Rau
William Terry Raulerson
Patsy Ann Ravens
Terry Lee Rawdon
Ambretta Luanna Rawhouser
Fay Rawley
Helen Joyce Rawley
James Scott Rawlings
Monty Twain Rawlings
Sally Jean Rawlings
Mary Colette Rawlinson
Samuel Ray Rawls
Cindy Marilyn Ray
Jeanette Louise Ray
Julie Danielle Ray
Napoleon M. Ray
Pamela June Ray
Sara Michelle Rose Ray
Jason Chadwick Rayborn
Terri Jean Rayburn
Jesse Lee Raymond
Steven Raymond
Taranika Nichelle Raymond
Bijan Razzaghy
David Bruce Rea
Sandy Pathresa Rea
Kay Frances Read
Alexia Anne Reale
John Baptiste Reamer
Heath Riley Reams
Patrick Matthew Reano
Grace Marie Canto Reapp
Grace Noel Reapp
Linda Maggie Reategui
Daniel S. Reaves
James Edward Reaves Jr.
Monte Theodore Reavis
Jose Humberto Rebollar
Sonja Kay Redbird
Ramona Catherine Redd
Leeanne Marie Redden
Spencer Redden
Whitney Patrice Reddick
Marianne Redding
Susan Redding
Stacey Reddish
Pepita Madalyn Redhair
James Elmer Redhouse
Donnis Marie Redman
James Howard Redmill
Andrew Lynn Redmon Jr.
Sharon Kim Redmon
Betty Irene Redmond
Beverly Redmond
John Cameron Reece
April Kelly Reed
Ashley Fuller Reed
Bridgett Tierra Reed
Chassity Reed
Deanna Renee Reed
Elmer George Reed
John Myron Reed Jr.
Kenneth Scott Reed
Nathaniel Reed
Peggy Ann Reed
Robin Ansel Reed
Sallie Margaret Reed
Stanley Dexter Reed
Vanessa Reed
Angela Y. Reeder
Michael Raymond Reeder
Sophie Elizabeth Reeder
Juanita Reedy
David Ceinon Rees
Craig Allen Reese
Lloyd Michael Reese
Alice Marie Reeves
David Lynn Reeves
Diane Leslie Reeves
Richard Lee Reeves Jr.
Robert Reeves Jr.
Steven Reeves
Terry Edward Reeves
Tony Phillip Reeves
Sean B. Regan
Letitia Nuchelle Regans
Margo Andrea Register
Yvonne Reglar
Allen Lonnie Regusters
Jennie McClain Rehbinder
Paul Rehus
Ione Ruth Rehwinkle
Daniel Lee Reich
Konrad Charles Reichenberger
April Michele Reid
Gianina Leilani Reid
Gordon Defois Reid
Rebecca Kathleen Reid
Rebecca Lee Reid
Richard Allen Reid
Tiffany Reid
Michele Reidenbach
Jennifer Reidy
Jason D. Reil
Margaret Reiley
Francis Brian Reilly
Leichia M. Reilly
Wanda Medeiros Reine
Karen Reinert
Michael Reinert
Keith R. Reinhard
Roger Udo Reinhard
Walther H. Reinhard
Douglas Andrew Reis
Stephen Alvin Reisberg
Melissa Erin Reiter
Tricia Lynn Reitler
Norman Wayne Reitmeyer
Beata Rembisz
Marcia Estelle Remick
Kim Margaret Remmel
Robert Richard Remmer
Chen Hai Ren
William Herman Rener
Alvin Renfro
Nancy Kathleen Renkas
Paige Marie Renkoski
Austin Jerrel Renshaw
Andrew Brian Renton
Matthew Dionne Reoh
Bonnie Marie Repinski
John Deane Rescorl
John J. Restivo
Thomas Michael Rettew
Benny Walter Reuben Jr.
Rachel Anne Reuter
Adrian Charles Reuwsaat
Denis Ariel Revolorio Perez
Charlotte Estella Rexroad
Andrea Michelle Reyes
Briana Lorlean Reyes
Leopoldo Jimenez Reyes
Louis Hernando Reyes
Maria I. Reyes
Michael Alexander Reyes
Veronica Marllen Reyes Diaz
Arturo Reyes-Salmeron
Ana Luisa Reyna
Alonzo Andrae Reynolds
Ayla Bell Reynolds
Chad Eugene Reynolds
Charles Reynolds
Clarence Reynolds
David J. Reynolds
Dennis Lee Reynolds
Edna Luella Reynolds
Gregory Wilson Reynolds
Jalesa Chantell Reynolds
James Anthony Reynolds
Jason Donald Reynolds
Linda Louellen Reynolds
Lorrene Debra Reynolds
Maurice Reynolds
Meaghan Markell Reynolds
Michael Wayne Reynolds
Michael Frederick Reynolds
Peggy Ann Reynolds
Willie Clayton Reynolds
Gerald Raymond Rhine
Cory J. Rhinehart
Destry Richard Rhinehart
Dwayne Sheldon Rhoades
Ross Evan Rhoades
Frank Alexander Rhoden
Betty Jean Rhodes
David George Rhodes
Heidi Ann Rhodes
James Dosse Rhodes III
Marque Allen Rhodes
Rachel Ann Rhodes
Teresa Lynn Rhodes
Judith Ann Rhones
Richard Allen Rhyne
Mansoor Riaz
Edivano Ribeiro
Beverly Jean Ribley
Robin Lynn Ricci
John Samuel Rice
Michelle L. Rice
Michelle Rice
Timothy Rice
Toasha Nicole Rice
Matthew Justin Rich
Nathan Daniel Rich
Randy Lee Rich
Mary Alice Richard
Anthony Dean Richards
Brian Lamont Richards
Emily Roberta Richards
Erving Vernon Richards
Eryk Krystyphyr Richards
Khori Navor Richards
Michael Roy Richards
Wallace Arthur Manasseh Richards III
Anita Middleton Richardson
Christasia Jeane Richardson
Christopher Charles Richardson
Cleveland Leon Richardson
Davante Marquez Richardson
Diana Richardson
Dorothy Jean Richardson
Faye Dell Richardson
Ian Ashley Richardson
James Bruce Richardson
Jamir Bashir Richardson
Justin Lee Richardson
Kristi Lynn Richardson
Lopaz Cardell Richardson
Michelle Lee Richardson
Selwyne Anette Richardson
Verna Marie Richardson
Victor Leonard Richardson III
Ida Dean Richardson-Anderson
Brandon Michael Richart
Christina Marchell Richart
Kristyn Sue Richerson
Suzanne Rene Richerson
James Dean Richert
Ephram Scott Richeson
Lillian Elizabeth Richey
Thomas William Richey
Thomas Andrew Richmond
Robert Patrick Richter
Mark Aaron Rick
Lynn M. Rickard
Chelsea Lee Ricker
Beth Ann Ricketts
James Albert Ricketts
Joe Churchville Ricks III
Cynthia Ramirez Rico
Danielle Rosalie Rico
Jeronimo Mendoza Rico
Juan Rico
Mary Elizabeth Rico
Eva Marie Ridall
Talaya Riddick
Jeffrey Edward Riddle
Travis Weston Riddle
Richard James Rider Jr.
Samantha Marlene Rider
Sharea Yashen Ridge
Wesley Dale Ridge
Simone Stephanie Ridinger
Benjamin Shane Ridley
Kent Lafon Ridley
Susan Renee Riedling
Elijah Riedlinger
Lawrence Jay Riegel
Claudia Riemer-Tolson
Judith Mae Riems
Donald Eugene Riesen
Robert Glen Rietzel
Ann Linda Riffin
Kara Denora Rigdon
Heather Dawn Riggall
Anne Lillian Riggin
Heather Marie Riggio
Sidney S. Riggs
Donna Rae Riggsby
William Carl Rigsby
Carol Ann Riley
Danny Joe Riley
Elisa Sue Riley
Frances Riley
Friday Riley
Isaac Joseph Riley
Joseph Gerald Riley
Kenneth Eugene Riley
Kimberly Ann Riley
LaQuanta Nachelle Riley
Willie James Riley
Joe Isabel Rincon
Sergio Solis Rincon
Rena Mae Rincones
Richard Barnett Rinehart
Rita L. Rinehart
Roger Dale Rinehart
Corey Allen Ringer
Andres Mateo Rink
Enrique Martin Rios
Todd Ripplinger
Joan Carolyn Risch
Tammy Dawn Risenhoover
Samuel Richard Riser
Shannon Elizabeth Rishel
Emmilee Renea Risling
David Ristovski
Brian Ross Ritchie
Juanita Ritchie
Kenneth John Ritchie
Judy A. Ritter
Carlos Rivas
Javier Rivas
Veronica Rivas
Victor Christopher Rivas
Wanda Rivas
Amanda Marie Rivera
Argelio Rivera Jr.
Cindy L. Rivera
David Rivera
Elaina Eugenia Rivera
Elsha Marie Rivera
Francisco Rivera
Hector Noel Rivera
Janna Rivera
Javier Florenzio Rivera
Javier Huicochea Rivera
Juan Rivera
Robert Franco Rivera
Sophia Mae Rivera
Tristan Markey Rivera
Luis Angel Rivera Pellot
Katelyn Selena Rivera-Helton
Enrique Rivera-Ramirez
Angelisa Rivera-Ruiz
Aaron Leland Rivers Sr.
Alison Rivers
Jacob Knight Rivers
Julia Amir Rivers
Jennifer Ramsey Rivkin
Pamela Faith Roach
Robert Gerald Roach
Sherry Elizabeth Roach
Elsie Mae Roane
Melvia Kaye Roarx
Richard George Roasting Stick
Brandon Keith Robbins
Diane Nguyen Robbins
Jenna Ray Robbins
Melissa G. Robbins
Nicholas Anthony Robbins
Ralph Everett Robbins
Tonya Paige Robbins
Valorie G. Robbins
John A. Robek
Soveida Guadalupe Robelo-Alvarez
Blanca Elisa Roberson
Carla Roberson
Steven Keith Roberson
Travis Dewayne Roberson
Abby A. Roberts
Adrian Laverne Roberts
Alexander Walter Roberts
Betty Marie Roberts
Brenda Roberts
Brooke Addison Roberts
Byrd Curtis Roberts
Carol Lynn Roberts
David Michael Roberts
Diana Roberts
Floyd E. Roberts III
Garrett Scott Roberts
Hank Roberts Sr.
James Martin Roberts
John Wade Roberts
Keeslyn Noelle Roberts
Kenneth Douglas Roberts Sr.
Larry Leon Roberts
LaTonya Dionne Roberts
Leah Toby Roberts
Linda L. Roberts
Marilyn J. Roberts
Melvin Roberts
Natasha Renee Roberts
Ollie Lee Roberts
Phillip Wade Roberts
Richard Dean Roberts
Richard K. Roberts
Shirlene Doneta Roberts
Sierra Roberts
Tammy Reene Day Roberts
Tiffany Roberts
William A. Roberts
Amiah Robertson
Billy Leon Robertson III
Bula Mae Robertson
Chayston Eugene Robertson
Deborah Ann Robertson
Elaine Marie Robertson
Eugene Robertson
Joseph Robertson
Mary Rhodes Robertson
Stephen Lee Robertson
William Robertson
Cheryl Anne E. Robin
Isaac Robin Jr.
Andrew Garth Robinson
Anne Marie Robinson
Blake Edward Robinson
Bobby Lee Robinson
Brittany Shante Robinson
Christopher Frank Robinson
Christopher Robinson
Cynthia Louise Robinson
Dale Richard Robinson
Daniel Cornelius Robinson
David Earl Robinson
Derrick Serrod Robinson
Eileen Marie Robinson
Ellis Edward Robinson Jr.
Gary Robinson
Helen Eileen Robinson
Jacenthia Ann Robinson
Jackie Robinson
James D. Robinson
James Ezra Robinson
Janet Robinson
Jasmine Nykiesha Robinson
Jerome David Robinson
Jimmy Don Robinson
Kathleen Robinson
Lois Lee Robinson
Luke Robinson
Marcus Andrapolis Robinson
Mary C. Robinson
Nancy Lorraine Robinson
Ramondus Jaterun Robinson
Samuel Clay Robinson
Santana Robinson
Shelia Bernita Robinson
Tyrone Beau Robinson
Venus Marie Robinson
Wendy Robinson
Will A. Robinson
Willie Robinson
Cynthia Marie Robison
Angela Arlene Robles
Modesto Robles Jr.
Prudencio Francisco Robles
Herber O. Robles Villeda
Stanley Evan Roblin
Kelson Ryanell Roby
Jesus Ricardo Rocha
Jose Rocha Zamora
Mildred Louise Butterworth Roche
William Robert Rochelle
Robert Carl Rock
Mae Catherine Rocker
Barry Vincent Rodden
Mary Joetta Roderick
Mary Leah Rodermund
Kathleen Edna Rodgers
Phyllis W. Rodgers
Bernadette Mildred Rodko
Clay Allen Rodman
Kevin David Rodman
Alexandria Rodriguez
Angel Rodriguez
Anna Maria Rodriguez
Bienvenido Ortiz Rodriguez
Bobby Lee Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez
Carol Louise Rodriguez
Christina Luz Rodriguez
Claudia Natali Rodriguez
Damiann Antonio Rodriguez
Denise Christine Rodriguez
Eric Rodriguez
Gabriel Jonathan Rodriguez
Gloria Rodriguez
Guillermo Rodriguez
Henry Rodriguez
Isabel Rodriguez
Javier Octavio Rodriguez
Jesse Rodriguez
Jesus Gustavo Rodriguez
Jimmy Rodriguez
Joel Rodriguez
Jordy Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Joseph Rodriguez
Julia Alvarez Rodriguez
Karla Carolina Rodriguez
Kayla Rodriguez
Keily Rodriguez
Kevin Rodriguez
Lois Lorraine Rodriguez
Lonnie Michael Rodriguez
Luz Daris Rodriguez
Osilia Rodriguez
Pearl Shepherd Rodriguez
Pilar Sophia Rodriguez
Raquel Lucina Rodriguez
Rebecca Rodriguez
Reynaldo Rodriguez
Richard Elias Rodriguez
Rick Anderson Rodriguez
Socorro Rodriguez
Tristan Dean Rodriguez
Xiomara Rodriguez
Zachary Carl Orlando Rodriguez
Jonathan Rodriguez Marina
Noel Angel Rodriguez-Alvarez
Luis Rodriguez-Hernandez
Edgar Hugo Rodriguez-Rojas
Tomas Rodriguez-Romero
Ana Paula Rodriguez-Ruano
Joseph Thomas Rodziewicz Jr.
Rodney Raymond Roediger
Althea Lanelle Rogers
Beth Ellen Rogers
Clara Vaughn Rogers
Crystal Maria Rogers
Darren Conway Rogers
Edwin Clark Rogers
Elizabeth Hicks Rogers
Emrick Rogers
Erinn Rogers
James W. Rogers
Jimmy Louis Rogers
Kristy Jean Rogers
Laurel Lea Rogers
Lonene Ray Rogers
Nadine Rochelle Rogers
Qua’mere Sincere Rogers
Tamikqra Sandreia Rogers
William Francis Rogers
Jessica Lynn Roggenkamp
Rosemarie Roginski
Diane Rohbeck
Georgia Lee Rohner
Donald Joseph Rohrenbacher
Adriana Lisette Rojas
Diana Raquel Rojas
Gilbert Rivas Rojas Jr.
Martin Cazares Rojas
Nazario Sanchez Rojas
Jilardo Rojas-Rivera
Harold William Roland
William Larry Roland
Ulises Hanoy Roldan
Branville Bernard Rolle
Jason D. Rolle
Shanyea Shaquell Rolle
Paul Clyde Rollins
Robert Lawrence Rollins
Russ Rolnick
Earl Roman
Norma Iris Roman
Richard James Romano
Phyllis Rome
Allyson Rebecca Romedy
Anibal Marin Romero
Brandon Romero
Francis Romero
Louise Lamona Romero
Maria Silva Romero
Raymundo Velasco Romero
Robert Marcos Romero
Steven V. Romero
Ercely Romero Soriano
Zunilda Rondon
Sonia Moreno Ronquillo
Christina Lynn Roof
Rene Michelle Roof
Matthew Roohan
Susan Faye Roop
Alma Violet Root
Bernadette Rosa
Israel Rosado
Joshua Rosado
Ashley Elizabeth Rosales
Froelan Rosales Jr.
Grace Mary Borbon Rosales
German Cristoforo Rosales Salinas
Kristy Rita Rosario
Lissy Yaris Rosario
Luis Enrique Rosario Jr.
Johnny E. Rosas
Katherine Desiree Rose
Owen Howard Rose
Solomon Gomile Rose III
Venus Shawn Rose
Warner James Rose
Benjamin Melvin Roseland
Barbara Diane Rosemark
Stephen Alan Rosenblum
Bryanna Lynn Rosendo
Everett Rosenstein
Yeda Sharon Rosenthal
Bernard Ross Jr.
Bradley Dale Ross II
Bradley McClocklin Ross
Davik LeVrai Brendan Ross
Elmer L. Ross
Gregory B. Ross
Jesse Warren Ross
Joseph William Ross
Kacy Michelle Ross
Michael William Ross
Patrick Francis Ross
Robert C. Ross Jr.
Ronald Kevin Ross
Sandra Kay Randall Ross
Sharon Ann Ross
Sherri Lynn Ross
Tanova Tila Ross
Tarrance Edward Ross
Warner L. Ross
Zoe J. Ross
Mario Joseph Rossi
Daniil Rostvinschii
Sherrie L. Roth
Tammy Sue Rothganger
DeVona Burley Rothrock
Kelly Lundy Rothwell
Carl Wayne Rotstein
Amy Christine Roundtree
Richard Del Rounsaville
Elliott Calhoun Rountree
Pauline Rourke
Sonya Marie Rouse
Terry Eugene Rouse
Tristin Davis Routzen
Clarden Rowan Jr.
John Patrick Rowan Jr.
Heather Samantha Rowe
James Brian Rowe
Janeth Ann Newman Rowe
Gordon Christopher Rowell
Hannah Jane Rowell
Magaly Rowell
Regina Marie Rowell
Cindy Loretta Rowles
Amanda Jane Rowley
Elena Carlotta Roy
O’Shai Royal
Connie Lynn Royce
Brendt Lionel Rozelle
Joann Marie Rozelle
Felita Cervantes Ruark
Douglas Rubin
Sherwin Rubin
Jon Bennett Rubinfier
Cory Marie Rubio
Jessie Grace Rubio-Montejano
Sheryl Lyn Rucci
Willie Ann Rucker
Scott Raymand Ruckoldt
Relisha Tenau Rudd
Janis Elizabeth Rudder
Loren James Ruden
Laura L. Rudnik
Michael Alexander Rudolph
Stacy Ann Kathleen Rudolph
Conrado Cortez Rueda
Raul Ruelas
Richard Florian Ruest
Clarence Ruffin
Maryanne Jane Ruffini
David Paul Ruggiero
Judith Ann Ruggirello
Jeffrey Ray Ruggles
Erik Thomas Ruiz
Ernest Ruiz
Gregory Ruiz
Jesus Guadalupe Ruiz
Manuel Michael Anthony Ruiz
Rafael Eduardo Ruiz
Rafaela Alcazar Ruiz
Raquel Sophia Ruiz
Suzie Felan Ruiz
Jose De Jesus Ruiz Vazquez
Cristina Ester Ruiz-Rodriguez
James S. Ruland
Joanne Marie Rulford
Catherine A. Runte
Robert Charles Ruoff
Raymond Scott Rupp
Ruthanne Ruppert
Christine A. Rusch
Daniel Rush
Ralph William Rush
Barbara Kettell Rushton
Bernard Wright Rusness Jr.
Crystal Lynn Russ
Michelle June Russ
Andrew Joseph Russell
Angela M. Russell
April Michelle Russell
Billy Joe Russell
Charles Martin Russell
Edward Blane Russell
Gail Ann Russell
Patricia Diane Russell
Quantez DeMont Russell
Ronnie Paul Russell
Shirley Gibbs Russell
Jaimee Louise Russo
Jason Jack Russo
Mary Lou Russo
Nicole Russo
Vito Jack Russo
Michelle Lee Rust
Michael Maurice Rustin
Charles Rutherford Jr.
Leah Ann Rutherford
Maria Theresa Ruthling
Humberto Martinez Ruvalcaba
Martin Nungaray Ruvalcaba
John David Ryals
Daniel Gerard Ryan
Eamon Ryan
Jason Joseph Ryan
Keith William Ryan
Loral Pratt Ryan
Merle LeRoy Ryan
Richard Fabio Ryan
Saunders Cloie Rymer
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